Will Writing Services Swindon
Will Writing Services Witney
will writing services
Explore our comprehensive FAQs for detailed insights into our Will Writing Services in Swindon and Witney.
Wills aren't just for the elderly or the sick. You cannot predict the future and having one in place can give you and your family peace of mind and reassurance that if the worst were to happen, they would be protected.
Up to 60% of the population doesn’t have a will or it is out of date. There are many reasons for this. Either they haven’t thought about it, are too busy or don’t consider that they have anything worth leaving.
A Will is a legal document that sets out how you would like your assets, belongings and any property divided after you die, and who will inherit them.
It is particularly important to make a Will if:
• You have children under 18. You will need to appoint a legal guardian for them, especially if you are the last surviving parent.
• You have a complex, large estate. A well-drafted Will can help to avoid costly disputes.
• You have very strong or specific wishes. Again, a clearly written Will ensures that there can be no confusion or disputes following your death.
• You have married or divorced. If you had a Will and have since married, then the Will is revoked automatically. If you have a Will and subsequently divorce, then any gift left to your former spouse will lapse; and if he or she is named as an executor that would automatically be cancelled. In either scenario, it is better to have a fresh Will drawn up to reflect your new status and wishes.
It can save your family a lot of stress alongside the usual turmoil that comes with a family members death.
Making a Will can also:
• Provide for an unmarried partner, step-children, friends or charities who are NOT provided for by the general law.
• Ensure that your estate will be administered as quickly as possible.
• Assist with the management of Inheritance Tax and Care Home Fees.
1. Write a will yourself It is possible to write a will yourself, especially if your finances are uncomplicated. However, you will need to make sure that you have an original version of your will that's free of errors and changes, sign it yourself and ensure you have it signed by 2 witnesses, to make it legally binding.
2. Instruct a solicitor to write your will
Solicitors are regulated and will be able to make sure the document is legally binding and correct. This could help save your family an inheritance tax bill if you have a large estate and/or help to avoid any future disputes over the estate.
Plus, if your financial situation is complicated a solicitor is probably worth considering and is preferable to doing it by yourself or using a will writing service.
At francis george the cost of a single will is £250 plus VAT (at 20%) and mirror (or joint) wills are £350 plus VAT.
Find our more about will writing services at francis george solicitor-advocate
3. Use a will-writing service
Will-writing services are a good option if your circumstances are straightforward. However, bear in mind the following
• Make sure they're a member of a recognised trade body, such as the Institute of Professional Will Writers.
• Be cautious with free will-writing services or those that insist on the sole right to execute your will, as your estate could be charged expensive fees to administer probate.
4. Use a bank's will-writing service
Many banks offer cheap or free will-writing services, but they can come with hidden fees. They are often only telephone or postal based so you will not see anyone in person.
Watch out for clauses that charge fees to administer your estate, or those that charge a percentage of your estate for their services.
At francis george solicitor-advocate we can send you a ‘wills questionnaire’ which will provide some initial guidance over what to include in your will.
Before writing your will, you should consider the following:
• What money, property and belongings do you have? You can leave cash sums to specific people, and also allocate your possessions and property.
• What debts do you have? These will be paid off with money held in your estate.
• Who do you want to benefit from your will? You can leave gifts to specific family members, friends - or even charities and businesses.
• If you have children under the age of 18, who would you want to look after them in the event of your death?
• Who will sort out your estate and make sure your wishes are carried out after your death? This is an executor, and should be named in your will. You can choose a friend, family member or a solicitor.
If you die without a will, your estate (your money, possessions and investments) will be divided according to intestacy rules and your wishes won’t be taken into account.
The process can be very complicated and lengthy and varies depending on whether you're married or in a civil partnership, and whether you have children.
You won't be able to make sure that your estate is divided in any way that differs from the intestacy rules unless you have a will.
While no one likes to consider his or her own mortality, death is inevitable and comes to us all eventually. Leaving a Will allows you to continue to take care of your family after you have gone.
Steps to making a will at francis george solicitor-advocate:
Call us at Swindon 01793 43 44 73 or Witney on 01993 68 50 07 and make an appointment to see a solicitor. Download or request that you be sent a wills questionnaire if you need guidance.
Decide who to appoint as your executor.
At your appointment, discuss with the assistance of the wills questionnaire how you would like your estate to be divided up.
The solicitor will prepare a draft will and send it out to you for approval
If the will isn’t quite as you would like it, it can be amended.
When the final draft is ready the will can be signed in the presence of 2 witnesses over the age of 18. We will provide the witnesses at our offices.
You can store your will yourself or we offer a free storage facility at the firm.